Ask Altucher






April 2024
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Like we have said before, Ask Altucher will delve into any topic. Normal or weird... conservative or risqué.

Today's question for James is for his thoughts on polyamorous relationships, or having multiple romantic relationships simultaneously.

What works for one relationship is not always going to work for another.

But, if you do partake in having more than one relationship, are you missing out on important connections between you and another?

Balance can be broken, feelings can get hurt, and the potential trust and growth between individuals could be missing.

Direct download: Ep33_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:43am EDT

What is holding you back from what you want to do?

Money, gate-keepers, the economy, fears... the list could go on.

But more than likely, you already have most of what you need to achieve your goals.

Just remember that you have to start small.

Nothing is impossible – there is a solution or a way around any complication.

Today, James will walk you through the process of "choosing yourself" and  living your dreams.

Then he has a challenge for all of his listeners out there.

Direct download: Ep32_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:45am EDT

We all have stressors in our life – work, family, relationships, money...

But the way you deal with the stress in your life will affect you physically and emotionally.

Suffering is a choice, and you can choose whether or not you are going to suffer.

Is your workplace causing too much conflict and stress... can you leave? Start over somewhere else?

Today, James talks about how he has been able to become an idea machine, and started to bring in multiple streams of income so that he was able to avoid stress from one single job.

This is where you are going to learn to listen to your body and remember that pain is mandatory, but suffering is your choice.

Direct download: Ep31_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:00am EDT

Are the decisions you make affecting your life in a positive way?

Or, do you find that your actions are holding you back from other opportunities?

No matter what choices we make, we are going to learn from the mistakes that come our way. It's more than okay to try and fail.

Today, James shares his thoughts on how even though he might not always make the best decisions in life, there is a strategy that has helped him along the way... and it might be just what you have been waiting for.

Is it anger holding you back from something, or is it really just fear? James explains that if you are honest with yourself and others, you will face your fears before they turn into anger.

Avoid the stress and anxiety of wondering if you are choosing the best future for yourself. Just remember that if you are able to "choose yourself," keep calm and do your best today, then tomorrow will take care of itself.

Direct download: Ep30_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:52am EDT

Every day you hear people say that they have a "million-dollar idea."

Maybe you have thought that at some point too...

But how can you tell when your idea really is a winner?

There are plenty of bad ideas that come to us on a daily basis... So figuring out how to navigate through the bad ones to find the true winners is an important skill.

Maybe you have great ideas but are unsure how to execute them. Should you sell those ideas and let someone else profit?

Only a few great ideas are going to come along in your lifetime, and selling them early could be a major mistake.

Today, James explains how he has held on to his ideas and worked through the execution process even when he is unsure how to make them work.

Remember... There are ways around any difficult situation you come across.

Direct download: Ep29_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:01am EDT

We all feel overwhelmed at some point...

Work, family, friends, errands, kids... these are just some of the things that we encounter daily that demand attention and actions.

Do you think you need a personal assistant? Or do you just need better time management?

James discovered a more efficient way to delegate some of his daily tasks and he'll tell you how you can as well.

Starting at the most basic level and tracking everything you need to get done on a daily basis is the first step.

Then, maybe you'll discover that you are capable of completing all your tasks by simply writing them down.

If you are stressed or feel overwhelmed by everything you need to get done... This is the show for you.

Direct download: Ep28_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:46am EDT

WARNING: Everything you believe and thought you knew is about to be completely crushed.

This is beyond the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and even the Tooth Fairy...

What myths do you still believe as an adult?

As Americans, we are subjected to thousands of advertisements on a daily basis that try to convince us that we need certain things to be happy.

Are they filling our minds with lies?

Today, James breaks down the common myths in life that he has found to be false.

Some of those myths include:

•    College
•    Home ownership
•    Renting is a waste of money
•    Money means happiness
•    You won't be lonely if you get married
•    You have a purpose in life
•    The Internet has made us smarter
•    Hard work leads to success

This episode is going to make you take a step back and figure out what really matters in life.

Direct download: Ep27_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:37am EDT

Our relationships are built on honesty and trust.

But how honest are you?

Should you be careful with how direct you are with others?

Could the truth actually hurt your career, relationships, or character?

Today, James talks about his approach to honesty and how he builds his character and reputation on how he treats others.

Direct download: Ep26_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 11:36am EDT

Relationships, business ventures, dreams, regrets, grudges...

We all experience a time in life when it's time to move on... but how do you know when that time is?

As you move through life, you will continue to meet new people, generate new ideas, and grow as an individual.

So when your body is trying to tell you that it's time to move on, whether emotionally, physically, or mentally, you simply need to listen.

Today, James shares how he has come to trust his gut feeling, follow his heart, and become more level-headed when it comes to business ventures.

Direct download: Ep25_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 11:23am EDT

We all learn in our own way, on our own terms, and from many different sources... school, mentors, family, friends, co-workers... the list goes on and on.

But could the person you learn the most from be yourself?

Today, James reveals who he has learned from and how his learning process has morphed into what he calls his "daily practice"...

Plus, find out how the simple act of reading can be the greatest mentor of all.

Direct download: Ep24_AskAltucher.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:01am EDT